Welcome to our verdant corner of the web, where the beauty of nature unfolds through the lens of plants that start with the letter “L.” As we embark on this horticultural journey, we delve into a diverse world of flora, exploring the lush and vibrant landscapes shaped by the likes of lavender, lilies, and countless others.
In this botanical haven, we celebrate the elegance and resilience of perennials, those steadfast companions that grace our gardens year after year. From the fragrant and calming Lavandula to the majestic and varied Lilium, each “L” plant tells a unique story in the tapestry of nature. With their blooms, colors, and scents, they weave a narrative that captivates the senses and enriches the outdoor experience.
Linger awhile among the Lupinus, their spiky spires adorned with a spectrum of hues, or revel in the rhythmic grace of Liatris, proudly displaying their blazing stars. Whether you seek the timeless allure of Lilies or the hardy companionship of Lady’s Mantle, our curated collection introduces you to perennial wonders that stand the test of time.
Dive into the enchanting world of Leopard’s Bane, where golden petals illuminate the landscape, or discover the intricate patterns of Lungwort, thriving in the shaded realms of our gardens. Each plant, a botanical symphony in its own right, contributes to the harmonious melody that is our natural world.
As you wander through these pages, let the exploration of “L” plants inspire your gardening endeavors, whether you are a seasoned green thumb or just beginning to cultivate your love for plants. From practical tips on care to the fascinating histories behind each species, our goal is to kindle a passion for the diverse and enchanting realm of plants that start with “L.” Join us as we uncover the secrets, the stories, and the sheer beauty of these living wonders, forging a connection between you and the captivating flora that graces our planet. Welcome to a world where the language of plants speaks volumes, and the letter “L” heralds a symphony of life.
List Of Plants that start with L:
Laceflower | Lewisia | Lagerstroemia |
Loropetalum | Lawsonia | Lopezia |
Lithophragma | Leucopogon | Livistona |
Leycesteria | Leonotis | Legousia |
Lycium | Lechenaultia | Leucocoryne |
Love Vine | Leptodactylon | Leek |
Lily Leek | Ledum | Libocedrus |
Lotus | Limnanthes | Lambertia |
Lophospermum | Leuchtenbergia | Lablab |
Leucanthemella | Linospadix | Leucogenes |
Lindera | Land Cress | Legenophora |
Ligularia | Lunaria | Linanthus |
Libertia | Leitneria | Leucophyllum |
Lomatia | Littonia | Leucophyta |
Lomatium | Lapageria | Lithodora |
Leiophyllum | Laccospadix | Ledebouria |
Lyonia | Lagunaria | Low Rose |
Lophostemon | Lathyrus | Lyonothamnus |
Leea | Loasa | Laurus |
Lemboglossum | Lavender | Lilac |
Lysimachia | Lathraea | Leatherleaf Viburnum |
Laburnocytisus | Lomatophyllum | Lagurus |
Ludwigia | Luma | Lithops |
Lysiloma | Leymus | Lophomyrtus |
Leucanthemopsis | Leucothoe | Luculia |
Limnocharis | Lepidozamia | Laurelia |
Leptinella | Lycoris | Leontice |
Lobelia | Layia | Lenophyllum |
Liatris | Lindelofia | Leipoldtia |
Leucanthemum | Lagarosiphon | Lithocarpus |
Leucadendron | Loiseleuria | Lardizabala |
Lampranthus | Lamarckia |
Plants beginning with LA :
lacebark | latanier | laburnum |
lamium | laelia | larch |
laurel family | larch tree | Lamium |
lansium domesticum | Lathyrus | lasthenia chrysostoma |
larrea tridentata | layia platyglossa | laburnum anagyroides |
lathyrus pratensis | latanier palm | layia |
laurel willow | lacewood | lauhala |
lacepod | laurelwood | late purple aster |
lactuca | larix lyallii | lablab |
labrador tea | larix | lanseh tree |
lace fern | lavandula angustifolia | laccopetalum |
larix siberica | lathyrus maritimus | larix russica |
labdanum | lagerstroemia indica | laccopetalum giganteum |
lappula | laportea | larix decidua |
lamella | lathyrus hirsutus | langsat |
lancewood | lathyrus nissolia | lamb succory |
lancewood tree | lathyrus tuberosus | laburnum alpinum |
lacquer tree | lactuca scariola | lardizabalaceae |
laurel oak | lalthyrus tingitanus | lawyerbush |
lablab purpureus | laurel cherry | lavatera |
lasthenia | lavatera arborea | lauraceae |
lavender cotton | langset | lathyrus splendens |
larix laricina | lagenophera | lambertia |
lavender | large white petunia | lamiaceae |
lamellate placentation | large periwinkle | larkspur |
lamium amplexicaule | lawyer cane | lagarostrobus |
lathyrus sativus | laurus | largeleaf holly |
lardizabala | lambertia formosa | laurel sumac |
laguncularia | lactarius delicioso | lantana |
lathyrus latifolius | lady palm | ladanum |
lawyer bush | larix occidentalis | land cress |
lardizabala family | lathyrus niger | laportea canadensis |
large cranberry | lathyrus vernus | lathyrus sylvestris |
lactuca serriola | lactuca sativa capitata | laticifer |
lathyrus odoratus | lady fern | lagenaria siceraria |
laguncularia racemosa | lady slipper | laurus nobilis |
lambkill | lagarostrobus colensoi | lagerstroemia speciosa |
lactuca sativa | large crabgrass | lactarius |
lactuca sativa crispa | lavandula | lavandula stoechas |
lanceolate leaf | languas speciosa | lathyrus palustris |
laurel | larrea | large tooth aspen |
lastreopsis | lagerstroemia | lavandula officinalis |
lagenaria | lavandula latifolia | lady tulip |
lamium album | lathyrus japonicus | lanceolate spleenwort |
Plants starting with LO :
long pepper | loganiaceae | loiseleuria procumbens |
logwood | lotus corniculatus | locust |
longleaf pine | lobed leaf | lomatia |
long moss | lonas annua | lonas inodora |
lonicera xylosteum | lonicera tatarica | lophophora williamsii |
loofah | lobelia cardinalis | lobelia siphilitica |
loasa family | lonicera sempervirens | longroot |
love tree | lobelia inflata | lovoa klaineana |
loosestrife family | lonicera canadensis | locoweed |
lobster plant | lobelia | love apple |
loxomataceae | long beech fern | loranthus |
lolium temulentum | longheaded thimbleweed | lomariopsidaceae |
loose smut | locust bean | lonicera morrowii |
lobularia maritima | low gallberry holly | lotus tree |
lonicera flava | lonicera hirsuta | lonicera involucrata |
lomogramma | loosestrife | lotus |
longanberry | love grass | lophosoria |
lotus berthelotii | lonas | lonicera albiflora |
longan | lotus tetragonolobus | lolium |
lolium perenne | loxoma | lonicera japonica |
loasaceae | lowland fir | locust tree |
logania | lobe | lowland white fir |
loiseleuria | longar palm | london plane |
lolium multiflorum | loganberry | lotus americanus |
loufah sponge | lombardy poplar | lowbush penstemon |
lodgepole pine | lonicera periclymenum | loddon pondweed |
love vine | lonicera dioica | lonchocarpus |
lovage | lobed spleenwort | loranthus europaeus |
low blueberry | loment | loofa |
looking glass tree | lonicera | lonicera caprifolium |
lodgepole | loquat | loranthaceae |
lophosoriaceae | lobelia family | locust pod |
loasa | lobeliaceae | lobularia |
loquat tree | lovoa | lophophora |
lorchel | loblolly pine | lobelia dortmanna |
logwood tree | lontar |
Plants That Start With LU:
- lunaria annua
- luffa
- lupinus albus
- lupinus arboreus
- lungen
- lupinus
- luffa cylindrica
- lupinus perennis
- lupine
- luffa acutangula
- lupinus luteus
- lupinus subcarnosus
- lupinus texensis
- lunaria
- lucerne
- lupin
Plants That Start With LI:
ligustrum | limb | linanthus dianthiflorus |
libocedrus decurrens | liquidambar | litchi |
linaria vulgaris | ligustrum vulgare | liatris punctata |
lithophragma affine | livistona australis | libocedrus |
linaria | linosyris vulgaris | lingenberry |
liliopsida | libocedrus plumosa | lilium michiganense |
little golden zinnia | lizard orchid | lignum |
linaria canadensis | liberian coffee | liverleaf |
licorice root | libocedrus bidwillii | lilium columbianum |
lilium auratum | lilium candidum | lindera benzoin |
little club moss | liriope | lithocarpus glaber |
liriodendron | liparis loeselii | linden family |
liliaceous plant | lithospermum canescens | licorice |
lily of the incas | lip fern | linanthus |
ling | lime | liatris |
ligustrum obtusifolium | linear leaf | lithophytic plant |
lily family | linden tree | liliaceae |
lithospermum | lipfern | linaceae |
lithocarpus glabra | liriope muscari | little ebony spleenwort |
ligustrum lucidum | livingstone daisy | lima bean |
living stone | lichen | lily of the valley |
lithophyte | living granite | livelong |
lithops | ligularia | ligneous plant |
ling ko | lithocarpus densiflorus | linum |
liriodendron tulipifera | lilium catesbaei | ligustrum ovalifolium |
licorice fern | limonium | linnaea |
lindheimera texana | lithophragma | lily of the nile |
liatris pycnostachya | lima bean plant | liliid monocot genus |
limnodium spongia | lilium lancifolium | limber pine |
linnaea borealis | lilium superbum | liana |
lightwood | lilium philadelphicum | lilium maritinum |
liliidae | limestone fern | liliopsid |
liparis | lily pad | linden |
listera | lichee | ligule |
lindheimera | lindera | listera ovata |
liverwort | ligustrum japonicum | lithospermum officinale |
lignosae | litchi tree | lilium longiflorum |
liliopsid family | liquorice | liquidambar styraciflua |
lingberry | liliid monocot family | living rock |
listera cordata | litchi chinensis | lily turf |
lithophragma affinis | lingonberry | lignum vitae |
lilium martagon | lilyturf | lichenes |
livistona | liliales | lithocarpus |
live oak | liliopsid genus | lilium pardalinum |
ligustrum amurense | linanthus dichotomus | ligustrum ibolium |
lilac | lichenales | lip |
listera convallarioides | lime tree | limnobium |
lilium canadense | lilium | lipstick plant |
Plants That Start With LE :
lemon lily | lesser centaury | leitneriaceae |
leguminosae | leadwort | lentinus lepideus |
lesser celandine | leaf bud | leycesteria |
lepista irina | leonotis | lepidobotrys |
lemna trisulca | leather fern | lepidothamnus |
lemonwood tree | lentil plant | lepechinia calycina |
lecythidaceae | lepiota naucina | leymus arenaria |
leptopteris superba | lemon geranium | leucadendron |
lemaireocereus chichipe | leucanthemum lacustre | leaf |
leaflet | lepiota rhacodes | lespedeza sericea |
lemna minor | leathery polypody | lemnaceae |
leucogenes leontopodium | leopard plant | lesser knapweed |
leucothoe racemosa | leucothoe fontanesiana | lemanderin |
lecanoraceae | leucadendron argenteum | lead plant |
levisticum officinale | lepiota | lesser burdock |
lesser duckweed | lespedeza cuneata | leitneria floridana |
lemna | lemon sumac | leucothoe |
leafy spurge | leadplant | leontopodium |
lecanopteris | lemma | leaf blade |
lewisia rediviva | lespedeza | leaf beet |
leatherleaf fern | lesser wintergreen | leek |
lemongrass | levisticum | leper lily |
lewisia | leymus | lesser bullrush |
leopardbane | lemon grass | lepiota morgani |
lepiota clypeolaria | leonotis nepetaefolia | lepidium sativum |
leaf mustard | leptarrhena pyrolifolia | lepidium |
leiophyllum buxifolium | lesser butterfly orchid | lepidodendraceae |
leucanthemum | leptarrhena | lesser yellow trefoil |
leopard lily | lentinus edodes | leonurus cardiaca |
leucanthemum vulgare | leucanthemum superbum | leather flower |
leafstalk | leatherwood | leitneria |
leatherleaf saxifrage | leafage | leaf lettuce |
lechanorales | ledum | leontopodium alpinum |
lewisia cotyledon | lepidium alpina | leucanthemum maximum |
leontodon autumnalis | lemon mint | leadwort family |
lesser twayblade | lepiota procera | lesser spearwort |
leathery grape fern | leonotis leonurus | lemon balm |
leontodon | leccinum fibrillosum | lead tree |
lepiota cepaestipes | leaf node | lentibulariaceae |
leatherleaf | legume family | leycesteria formosa |
lemaireocereus | lecanora | lepidothamnus fonkii |
lepidodendrales | lentisk | lepechinia |
leccinum | lentil | ledum groenlandicum |
lepiota rubrotincta | lepidobotryaceae | lesser galangal |
leucaena | lentinus | lesser calamint |
lenticel | levant cotton | leymus condensatus |
lepiotaceae | leak fungus | leucogenes |
leguminous plant | lens | legume |
lennoaceae | leatherleaf wood fern | leotia lubrica |
leonotis nepetifolia | lespedeza stipulacea | lemon tree |
ledum palustre | lespedeza striata | lens culinaris |
lesser hemlock | leucaena leucocephala | leonurus |
leptopteris | leiophyllum | leucaena glauca |
lemonwood | lenten rose | lepiota americana |
lemon | levant garlic | leafy liverwort |
lesquerella | leucothoe editorum | lespedeza bicolor |
lettuce | leptosporangium | lent lily |
Plants that start with the letter LY :
lythraceae | lycopodineae | lycopus europaeus |
lyonia ligustrina | lythrum | lythrum hyssopifolia |
lysimachia nummularia | lygodium | lyreflower |
lycoperdales | lychins chalcedonica | lyonia mariana |
lysiloma latisiliqua | lycopersicon esculentum | lycopodiate |
lythrum salicaria | lysiloma bahamensis | lycopodium |
lycium barbarum | lycopus | lycopersicum |
lyrate leaf | lysichiton americanum | lysiloma sabicu |
lychnis coronaria | lysimachia quadrifolia | lychnis alba |
lyginopteridales | lysichiton | lycoperdon |
lygodium palmatum | lysimachia terrestris | lycopodium selago |
lycopus virginicus | lysimachia vulgaris | lycopodiaceae |
lycium halimifolium | lysimachia | lycopodium alpinum |
lysiloma | lycopersicon | lycopodium complanatum |
lycopod | lygodium microphyllum | lycopodiales |
lycium carolinianum | lycium | lycopodium obscurum |
lycoperdaceae | lyginopteris | lychnis dioica |
lycopodium lucidulum | lyme grass | lysimachia ciliatum |
lyonia | lycopus americanus | lyonia lucida |
lysichitum | lysimachia nemorum | lycopodium clavitum |
lycophyta | lychnis | lychins floscuculi |
lycopsida |
indoor plants that start with M:
- Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): A popular and easy-to-care-for plant that is often associated with good luck and positive energy.
- Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans): Known for its attractive, tubular red flowers that resemble lipstick tubes.
- Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): While typically grown for its aromatic leaves, lemon balm can also be grown indoors as a potted plant.
- Lavender (Lavandula): While lavender is commonly grown outdoors, it can also thrive indoors if given proper light and care.
- Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis): A fragrant and delicate perennial that can be grown indoors in containers.
Remember that the success of indoor plants depends on various factors, including the specific care requirements of each plant, light conditions, humidity, and temperature in your indoor environment.
Outdoor plants that start with L:
Certainly! Here are some outdoor plants that start with the letter “L”:
- Lilac (Syringa): Known for its fragrant and beautiful clusters of flowers, lilacs are deciduous shrubs that bloom in spring.
- Lavender (Lavandula): While it can be grown indoors, lavender is often planted outdoors for its aromatic flowers and foliage.
- Lantana (Lantana camara): A colorful and hardy flowering plant that attracts butterflies, Lantana is commonly used in gardens and landscaping.
- Lily (Lilium): There are various types of lilies that can be grown outdoors, including Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, and daylilies.
- Lobelia (Lobelia erinus): A popular annual or perennial with vibrant, cascading flowers often used in flower beds or hanging baskets.
- Lupine (Lupinus): These tall, spiky flowers come in a variety of colors and are often used in garden borders.
- Liriope (Liriope spp.): Also known as monkey grass, liriope is a low-maintenance perennial commonly used as ground cover or border plants.
Remember to consider your local climate, soil conditions, and sunlight exposure when selecting outdoor plants for your garden or landscaping.
Perennial plants that start with L:
Certainly! Here are some perennial plants that start with the letter “L”:
- Lavender (Lavandula): A fragrant and drought-tolerant perennial known for its aromatic flowers.
- Lily (Lilium): There are various types of perennial lilies, including Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, and daylilies.
- Lupine (Lupinus): These tall, spiky flowers come in a variety of colors and are often grown as perennials.
- Liatris (Liatris spp.): Also known as blazing star or gayfeather, liatris produces tall spikes of fluffy, purple flowers.
- Leopard’s Bane (Doronicum spp.): A spring-blooming perennial with bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
- Lungwort (Pulmonaria spp.): Known for its unique spotted leaves and early spring flowers, lungwort is a shade-loving perennial.
- Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis): A low-growing perennial with distinctive foliage and tiny yellow-green flowers.
- Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis): A fragrant perennial with bell-shaped white flowers that bloom in spring.
Remember to consider your local climate, soil conditions, and sunlight exposure when selecting perennial plants for your garden.
As we conclude our odyssey through the enchanting realm of plants that start with the letter “L,” we stand in awe of the lush tapestry of life these botanical wonders create. From the calming fragrance of Lavender to the timeless elegance of Lilies and the enduring charm of perennials like Lady’s Mantle, each “L” plant has etched its own unique narrative into the story of nature.
Our exploration has not only celebrated the diversity of these living marvels but also underscored their significance in gardens and landscapes. As you navigate away from this digital garden, we encourage you to carry the inspiration garnered here into your own horticultural endeavors.
Whether you’re an avid gardener or someone embarking on a green journey, may the knowledge shared about Lavandula, Lilium, and other “L” companions fuel your passion for the botanical world. Embrace the perennial beauty, the vibrant hues, and the symbolic resonance of each plant, fostering a deeper connection with the natural wonders that grace our planet.
As we bid adieu to the captivating world of “L” plants, let the love for these verdant companions continue to bloom and flourish, echoing the eternal cycle of growth and renewal inherent in the language of plants.