Plants that start with L – list of indoor, Outdoor, and Perennial Plants Names 2024

Welcome to our verdant corner of the web, where the beauty of nature unfolds through the lens of plants that start with the letter “L.” As we embark on this horticultural journey, we delve into a diverse world of flora, exploring the lush and vibrant landscapes shaped by the likes of lavender, lilies, and countless others.

In this botanical haven, we celebrate the elegance and resilience of perennials, those steadfast companions that grace our gardens year after year. From the fragrant and calming Lavandula to the majestic and varied Lilium, each “L” plant tells a unique story in the tapestry of nature. With their blooms, colors, and scents, they weave a narrative that captivates the senses and enriches the outdoor experience.

Linger awhile among the Lupinus, their spiky spires adorned with a spectrum of hues, or revel in the rhythmic grace of Liatris, proudly displaying their blazing stars. Whether you seek the timeless allure of Lilies or the hardy companionship of Lady’s Mantle, our curated collection introduces you to perennial wonders that stand the test of time.

Dive into the enchanting world of Leopard’s Bane, where golden petals illuminate the landscape, or discover the intricate patterns of Lungwort, thriving in the shaded realms of our gardens. Each plant, a botanical symphony in its own right, contributes to the harmonious melody that is our natural world.

As you wander through these pages, let the exploration of “L” plants inspire your gardening endeavors, whether you are a seasoned green thumb or just beginning to cultivate your love for plants. From practical tips on care to the fascinating histories behind each species, our goal is to kindle a passion for the diverse and enchanting realm of plants that start with “L.” Join us as we uncover the secrets, the stories, and the sheer beauty of these living wonders, forging a connection between you and the captivating flora that graces our planet. Welcome to a world where the language of plants speaks volumes, and the letter “L” heralds a symphony of life.

List Of Plants that start with L:

Love VineLeptodactylonLeek
Lily LeekLedumLibocedrus
LinderaLand CressLegenophora
LyoniaLagunariaLow Rose
LysimachiaLathraeaLeatherleaf Viburnum

Plants beginning with LA :

laurel familylarch treeLamium
lansium domesticumLathyruslasthenia chrysostoma
larrea tridentatalayia platyglossalaburnum anagyroides
lathyrus pratensislatanier palmlayia
laurel willowlacewoodlauhala
lacepodlaurelwoodlate purple aster
lactucalarix lyalliilablab
labrador tealarixlanseh tree
lace fernlavandula angustifolialaccopetalum
larix sibericalathyrus maritimuslarix russica
labdanumlagerstroemia indicalaccopetalum giganteum
lappulalaportealarix decidua
lamellalathyrus hirsutuslangsat
lancewoodlathyrus nissolialamb succory
lancewood treelathyrus tuberosuslaburnum alpinum
lacquer treelactuca scariolalardizabalaceae
laurel oaklalthyrus tingitanuslawyerbush
lablab purpureuslaurel cherrylavatera
lasthenialavatera arborealauraceae
lavender cottonlangsetlathyrus splendens
larix laricinalagenopheralambertia
lavenderlarge white petunialamiaceae
lamellate placentationlarge periwinklelarkspur
lamium amplexicaulelawyer canelagarostrobus
lathyrus sativuslauruslargeleaf holly
lardizabalalambertia formosalaurel sumac
laguncularialactarius deliciosolantana
lathyrus latifoliuslady palmladanum
lawyer bushlarix occidentalisland cress
lardizabala familylathyrus nigerlaportea canadensis
large cranberrylathyrus vernuslathyrus sylvestris
lactuca serriolalactuca sativa capitatalaticifer
lathyrus odoratuslady fernlagenaria siceraria
laguncularia racemosalady slipperlaurus nobilis
lambkilllagarostrobus colensoilagerstroemia speciosa
lactuca sativalarge crabgrasslactarius
lactuca sativa crispalavandulalavandula stoechas
lanceolate leaflanguas speciosalathyrus palustris
laurellarrealarge tooth aspen
lastreopsislagerstroemialavandula officinalis
lagenarialavandula latifolialady tulip
lamium albumlathyrus japonicuslanceolate spleenwort

Plants starting with LO :

long pepperloganiaceaeloiseleuria procumbens
logwoodlotus corniculatuslocust
longleaf pinelobed leaflomatia
long mosslonas annualonas inodora
lonicera xylosteumlonicera tataricalophophora williamsii
loofahlobelia cardinalislobelia siphilitica
loasa familylonicera sempervirenslongroot
love treelobelia inflatalovoa klaineana
loosestrife familylonicera canadensislocoweed
lobster plantlobelialove apple
loxomataceaelong beech fernloranthus
lolium temulentumlongheaded thimbleweedlomariopsidaceae
loose smutlocust beanlonicera morrowii
lobularia maritimalow gallberry hollylotus tree
lonicera flavalonicera hirsutalonicera involucrata
longanberrylove grasslophosoria
lotus berthelotiilonaslonicera albiflora
longanlotus tetragonolobuslolium
lolium perenneloxomalonicera japonica
loasaceaelowland firlocust tree
loganialobelowland white fir
loiseleurialongar palmlondon plane
lolium multiflorumloganberrylotus americanus
loufah spongelombardy poplarlowbush penstemon
lodgepole pinelonicera periclymenumloddon pondweed
love vinelonicera dioicalonchocarpus
lovagelobed spleenwortloranthus europaeus
low blueberrylomentloofa
looking glass treeloniceralonicera caprifolium
lophosoriaceaelobelia familylocust pod
loquat treelovoalophophora
lorchelloblolly pinelobelia dortmanna
logwood treelontar

Plants That Start With LU:

  • lunaria annua
  • luffa
  • lupinus albus
  • lupinus arboreus
  • lungen
  • lupinus
  • luffa cylindrica
  • lupinus perennis
  • lupine
  • luffa acutangula
  • lupinus luteus
  • lupinus subcarnosus
  • lupinus texensis
  • lunaria
  • lucerne
  • lupin

Plants That Start With LI:

ligustrumlimblinanthus dianthiflorus
libocedrus decurrensliquidambarlitchi
linaria vulgarisligustrum vulgareliatris punctata
lithophragma affinelivistona australislibocedrus
linarialinosyris vulgarislingenberry
liliopsidalibocedrus plumosalilium michiganense
little golden zinnializard orchidlignum
linaria canadensisliberian coffeeliverleaf
licorice rootlibocedrus bidwilliililium columbianum
lilium auratumlilium candidumlindera benzoin
little club mossliriopelithocarpus glaber
liriodendronliparis loeseliilinden family
liliaceous plantlithospermum canescenslicorice
lily of the incaslip fernlinanthus
ligustrum obtusifoliumlinear leaflithophytic plant
lily familylinden treeliliaceae
lithocarpus glabraliriope muscarilittle ebony spleenwort
ligustrum lucidumlivingstone daisylima bean
living stonelichenlily of the valley
lithophyteliving granitelivelong
lithopsligularialigneous plant
ling kolithocarpus densifloruslinum
liriodendron tulipiferalilium catesbaeiligustrum ovalifolium
licorice fernlimoniumlinnaea
lindheimera texanalithophragmalily of the nile
liatris pycnostachyalima bean plantliliid monocot genus
limnodium spongialilium lancifoliumlimber pine
linnaea borealislilium superbumliana
lightwoodlilium philadelphicumlilium maritinum
liliidaelimestone fernliliopsid
liparislily padlinden
lindheimeralinderalistera ovata
liverwortligustrum japonicumlithospermum officinale
lignosaelitchi treelilium longiflorum
liliopsid familyliquoriceliquidambar styraciflua
lingberryliliid monocot familyliving rock
listera cordatalitchi chinensislily turf
lithophragma affinislingonberrylignum vitae
lilium martagonlilyturflichenes
live oakliliopsid genuslilium pardalinum
ligustrum amurenselinanthus dichotomusligustrum ibolium
listera convallarioideslime treelimnobium
lilium canadenseliliumlipstick plant

Plants That Start With LE :

lemon lilylesser centauryleitneriaceae
leguminosaeleadwortlentinus lepideus
lesser celandineleaf budleycesteria
lepista irinaleonotislepidobotrys
lemna trisulcaleather fernlepidothamnus
lemonwood treelentil plantlepechinia calycina
lecythidaceaelepiota naucinaleymus arenaria
leptopteris superbalemon geraniumleucadendron
lemaireocereus chichipeleucanthemum lacustreleaf
leafletlepiota rhacodeslespedeza sericea
lemna minorleathery polypodylemnaceae
leucogenes leontopodiumleopard plantlesser knapweed
leucothoe racemosaleucothoe fontanesianalemanderin
lecanoraceaeleucadendron argenteumlead plant
levisticum officinalelepiotalesser burdock
lesser duckweedlespedeza cuneataleitneria floridana
lemnalemon sumacleucothoe
leafy spurgeleadplantleontopodium
lecanopterislemmaleaf blade
lewisia redivivalespedezaleaf beet
leatherleaf fernlesser wintergreenleek
lemongrasslevisticumleper lily
lewisialeymuslesser bullrush
leopardbanelemon grasslepiota morgani
lepiota clypeolarialeonotis nepetaefolialepidium sativum
leaf mustardleptarrhena pyrolifolialepidium
leiophyllum buxifoliumlesser butterfly orchidlepidodendraceae
leucanthemumleptarrhenalesser yellow trefoil
leopard lilylentinus edodesleonurus cardiaca
leucanthemum vulgareleucanthemum superbumleather flower
leatherleaf saxifrageleafageleaf lettuce
lechanoralesledumleontopodium alpinum
lewisia cotyledonlepidium alpinaleucanthemum maximum
leontodon autumnalislemon mintleadwort family
lesser twaybladelepiota proceralesser spearwort
leathery grape fernleonotis leonuruslemon balm
leontodonleccinum fibrillosumlead tree
lepiota cepaestipesleaf nodelentibulariaceae
leatherleaflegume familyleycesteria formosa
lemaireocereuslecanoralepidothamnus fonkii
leccinumlentilledum groenlandicum
lepiota rubrotinctalepidobotryaceaelesser galangal
leucaenalentinuslesser calamint
lenticellevant cottonleymus condensatus
lepiotaceaeleak fungusleucogenes
leguminous plantlenslegume
lennoaceaeleatherleaf wood fernleotia lubrica
leonotis nepetifolialespedeza stipulacealemon tree
ledum palustrelespedeza striatalens culinaris
lesser hemlockleucaena leucocephalaleonurus
leptopterisleiophyllumleucaena glauca
lemonwoodlenten roselepiota americana
lemonlevant garlicleafy liverwort
lesquerellaleucothoe editorumlespedeza bicolor
lettuceleptosporangiumlent lily

Plants that start with the letter LY :

lythraceaelycopodineaelycopus europaeus
lyonia ligustrinalythrumlythrum hyssopifolia
lysimachia nummularialygodiumlyreflower
lycoperdaleslychins chalcedonicalyonia mariana
lysiloma latisiliqualycopersicon esculentumlycopodiate
lythrum salicarialysiloma bahamensislycopodium
lycium barbarumlycopuslycopersicum
lyrate leaflysichiton americanumlysiloma sabicu
lychnis coronarialysimachia quadrifolialychnis alba
lygodium palmatumlysimachia terrestrislycopodium selago
lycopus virginicuslysimachia vulgarislycopodiaceae
lycium halimifoliumlysimachialycopodium alpinum
lysilomalycopersiconlycopodium complanatum
lycopodlygodium microphyllumlycopodiales
lycium carolinianumlyciumlycopodium obscurum
lycoperdaceaelyginopterislychnis dioica
lycopodium lucidulumlyme grasslysimachia ciliatum
lyonialycopus americanuslyonia lucida
lysichitumlysimachia nemorumlycopodium clavitum
lycophytalychnislychins floscuculi

indoor plants that start with M:

  1. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): A popular and easy-to-care-for plant that is often associated with good luck and positive energy.
  2. Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans): Known for its attractive, tubular red flowers that resemble lipstick tubes.
  3. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): While typically grown for its aromatic leaves, lemon balm can also be grown indoors as a potted plant.
  4. Lavender (Lavandula): While lavender is commonly grown outdoors, it can also thrive indoors if given proper light and care.
  5. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis): A fragrant and delicate perennial that can be grown indoors in containers.

Remember that the success of indoor plants depends on various factors, including the specific care requirements of each plant, light conditions, humidity, and temperature in your indoor environment.

Outdoor plants that start with L:

Certainly! Here are some outdoor plants that start with the letter “L”:

  1. Lilac (Syringa): Known for its fragrant and beautiful clusters of flowers, lilacs are deciduous shrubs that bloom in spring.
  2. Lavender (Lavandula): While it can be grown indoors, lavender is often planted outdoors for its aromatic flowers and foliage.
  3. Lantana (Lantana camara): A colorful and hardy flowering plant that attracts butterflies, Lantana is commonly used in gardens and landscaping.
  4. Lily (Lilium): There are various types of lilies that can be grown outdoors, including Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, and daylilies.
  5. Lobelia (Lobelia erinus): A popular annual or perennial with vibrant, cascading flowers often used in flower beds or hanging baskets.
  6. Lupine (Lupinus): These tall, spiky flowers come in a variety of colors and are often used in garden borders.
  7. Liriope (Liriope spp.): Also known as monkey grass, liriope is a low-maintenance perennial commonly used as ground cover or border plants.

Remember to consider your local climate, soil conditions, and sunlight exposure when selecting outdoor plants for your garden or landscaping.

Perennial plants that start with L:

Certainly! Here are some perennial plants that start with the letter “L”:

  1. Lavender (Lavandula): A fragrant and drought-tolerant perennial known for its aromatic flowers.
  2. Lily (Lilium): There are various types of perennial lilies, including Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, and daylilies.
  3. Lupine (Lupinus): These tall, spiky flowers come in a variety of colors and are often grown as perennials.
  4. Liatris (Liatris spp.): Also known as blazing star or gayfeather, liatris produces tall spikes of fluffy, purple flowers.
  5. Leopard’s Bane (Doronicum spp.): A spring-blooming perennial with bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
  6. Lungwort (Pulmonaria spp.): Known for its unique spotted leaves and early spring flowers, lungwort is a shade-loving perennial.
  7. Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis): A low-growing perennial with distinctive foliage and tiny yellow-green flowers.
  8. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis): A fragrant perennial with bell-shaped white flowers that bloom in spring.

Remember to consider your local climate, soil conditions, and sunlight exposure when selecting perennial plants for your garden.


As we conclude our odyssey through the enchanting realm of plants that start with the letter “L,” we stand in awe of the lush tapestry of life these botanical wonders create. From the calming fragrance of Lavender to the timeless elegance of Lilies and the enduring charm of perennials like Lady’s Mantle, each “L” plant has etched its own unique narrative into the story of nature.

Our exploration has not only celebrated the diversity of these living marvels but also underscored their significance in gardens and landscapes. As you navigate away from this digital garden, we encourage you to carry the inspiration garnered here into your own horticultural endeavors.

Whether you’re an avid gardener or someone embarking on a green journey, may the knowledge shared about Lavandula, Lilium, and other “L” companions fuel your passion for the botanical world. Embrace the perennial beauty, the vibrant hues, and the symbolic resonance of each plant, fostering a deeper connection with the natural wonders that grace our planet.

As we bid adieu to the captivating world of “L” plants, let the love for these verdant companions continue to bloom and flourish, echoing the eternal cycle of growth and renewal inherent in the language of plants.

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